A couple of
very nice Roscoes found new homes this week rightg around the same several new Nordstrand Nordy basses showed up. The bass pictured above (myrtle burl/exhibition cocobolo) turned out to be a great combination. I am a big fan of myrtle tops (see the piece of myrtle that is currently available on the Roscoe page at the Blueberry Hill site) and am always impressed with how our myrtle projects turn out. Each piece is unique, but every myrtle Roscoe that we have ever commissioned at Blueberry Hill has turned out to be a great sounding bass. The exhibition grade cocobolo fingerboard is also a contributing factor to the great sound of this SKB 3005. The deep red color and spiderwebbing figure are great, but it also sounds great too! Rob is going to love his new Roscoe SKB 3005.

After patiently waiting for his custom creation to be completed, Dr. Mark recently took possession of the SKB 3006 featured above. This was Mark's first forray into the realm of custom basses, and even though he was a bit nervous going in, I can proudly say that his expectations were exceeded! It's always a great thrill to get that first phone call once the customer's instrument has arrived. Sometimes it's a toss-up to determine who's more excited...the customer or me! Mark's project was of particular interest because of the Ziracote "theme" running throughout the instrument. Not only is this a beautiful wood, but it makes for a great sounding bass as well...something that should always be a top priority in the construction of any musical instrument.
In Nordstrand news, three new Nordies arrived and photos have been posted under the Nordstrand of the Blueberry Hill web site. All three are excellent and I continue to be extremely proud and impressed with these basses. I have a feeling that they won't be hanging around too long! The necks feel great, they are extremely easy to play, and the fit & finish are perfection realized. Good job Carey...now just get MY Nordy finished and I can sleep easy!
Labels: Nordstrand, Roscoe