Blueberry Hill and the "New" Busch Stadium

And now for the "bass" related part of this story. When the new stadium was under construction, I decided to participate in the "brick paver" program. Essentially, for a small fee, fans were given the opportunity to purchase a brick that they could then customize with their own message. These bricks would then be set in blocks surrounding the stadium walkways. I thought that it would be fun to immortalize Blueberry Hill Bass outside of the new stadium, so I combined BHB with Cardinal HOF announcer Jack Buck's famous sign-off at the end of each Cardinal victory: "That's a Winner!" I feel like Blueberry Hill has been a winner since it's inception, the enormously talented craftsmen that we work with are winners, and our customers are winners in the truest sense of the word.
The photo above is the view of the stadium where the Blueberry Hill brick paver resides (outside the stadium and down the first base line). If you ever find yourself outside the stadium, see if you can find the brick along the walkway. If you spot it, snap a photo, send it in, and I'll give you a free bass! Well...not really, but I'd be thrilled to hear from anyone who picks it out of the crowd. : )

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